Arab High School Home


Please pardon our progress as we transition to our new website and mobile apps!  We are excited to offer new ways to connect and stay informed about all things in Arab City Schools.
This year, we will be offering online payments for student fees and activities, streamlined communication services, iOS and Android mobile apps, push notifications, and more!
ACS Vision Logo

Our Principles

Arab City Schools will...
... create an environment of respect where all learners feel safe, accepted, valued, and supported.
... foster a collaborative culture where learners respectfully share and exchange ideas, views, and knowledge.
... promote academic excellence by inspiring a passion for learning.
... provide systems of support to meet the needs of all learners.
... cultivate learners who are reflective and who set goals for academic, extracurricular, and personal growth.
... utilize organizations and programs to develop leaders and enrich learning.
... implement activities and programs that strengthen community and parent partnerships.
... maximize resources and facilities to best meet the needs of learners.
... prepare learners for a successful future.

Our Mission, Our Vision, & Core Values

Our Vision
Invest in Others ⋅ Serve our Community ⋅ Seek Growth
Our Mission
To shape the future of all learners and our community.
Our Core Values
Enthusiasm ⋅ Excellence ⋅ Integrity ⋅ Relationships ⋅ Unity
"We are passionate about bringing our vision to life every day. Serve Day is a way for our ACS family to say thank you to volunteers, businesses, organizations, and churches for their partnerships.  Together, we are investing in the community we love.”
Stacie Pace, Assistant Superintendent, Arab City Schools

AHS Calendar


Principal's Message

Welcome to the Arab High School web page!  Our new web page has the capability to expand the communication between AHS and all of our stakeholders.  Whether it is announcements, teacher pages, or athletic calendars, our web page is being created to enhance your family's experience at AHS!

Arab High School is a great school with an outstanding school system.  Everyone at AHS has the belief that all of our students will be successful.  By providing a safe and orderly learning environment, establishing high expectations, providing excellent instruction, and building meaningful relationships, we believe we can fulfill our commitment to your child’s success.

We look forward to working with you in the future to make your child’s experience at our school rewarding.  If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at AHS.
John Ingram

School News

Back to School Information

This document contains information to be used for the start of school. It contains all of the forms needed to purchasing parking.

At A Glance

  • 51% Faculty with Master's
    Degree or Higher
  • 35 Recent Graduates with
    a 4.0 GPA or Above
  • $4.1M Scholarships Earned
    by Recent Graduates